With so much content available, and 95%+ content not reaching the desired audience, it is imperative to have a content & distribution strategy in place.
How many people did your content reach last time? Have you any metrics?
Some great content gets lost in the crowd, where as some smart content makes waves.
Here are the top 5 strategies to make your content reach & be read by your audience.
1. Compelling Headline
People read the headline and decide if they want to read it further or no. Most of the time, users just skim the headline and if they find it interesting, compelling and intriguing, they read more.
That’s exactly what you need to do.
In other words, your headlines have a lot of heavy lifting to do.
Strong headlines provide specific information and give a little detail to draw people in but stop short of telling the whole story. Neil Patel’s formula works wonders here.
Headlines containing instructional phrases like “you need to know” and “why you should” are most likely to be shared on Facebook.
2. Interesting Intro
Your headline caught the attention of the reader, now the intro need to get them interested and engaged. get them hooked on to the content so that they stay on page and read on.
According to Nielsen Norman Group, approximately 57 percent of page-viewing time is spent above the fold, before readers need to scroll. For the second screenful of content, that figure plummets to just 17 percent, and only the most dedicated make it much further.
If your intro doesn’t immediately grab your readers’ attention, don’t expect them to read further.
The best way to keep your audience reading is by hitting straight into the content promised by your headline.
For example, if you’re reading this article, it’s a fair bet you want to know the tricks and strategies how your good content can reach a wider audience.
Presumably, that intro worked because you’re still reading!
3. Solve a problem & Write for the Audience
The reason why someone is interested in your post is because it may be solving a problem or giving them an idea.
The post needs to address the problem in the perspective of the audience and not just what you want to write.
For instance, this article aims as curating better content and better reach, so sharing solutions for the content and reach matter most.
You need to understand the mindset of your audience. You rather write for a niche group rather than for all.
It’s like the difference between an article on “great content writing” and one on “great writing.”
Because you’re searching for tips on strategies for better content reach, chances are you work in marketing or are creating marketing-related content.
4. Engage & Share
While the first 3 points focus on content strategy, this one focuses on wider reach. Find a group on various social media platforms and engage with them with relevant context and reach out to them with a solution by sharing the excerpt or link of your content.
Share you content in various platforms and entice the reader to read as it solves a problem.
A bait like a 10minute free call to solve a problem or a freebie book in return for dropping a review works wonders for the reach.
5. Everything ends with an actionable point to connect, not sell
Add a link for subscription or a call to action for a free call or a freebie book for a registration as mentioned earlier.
Get them registered and engaged and win their trust before you do the sales pitch.
Inbound works wonders, more than outbound, because the trust is already won.
Use these platforms to create great content and reach out to a niche audience.
1. HubSpot
HubSpot demonstrates the benefits of creating in-depth content on topics that matter to its core audience of sales and marketing teams. It even has separate blogs dedicated to marketers and salespeople. In addition to being informative, its content plays a key part in the buyer cycle by pointing readers toward its paid tools and gated content.
2. LinkedIn
As the world’s largest professional social networking platform, LinkedIn is a highly credible source. Rather than churning out low-value content, its articles often include unique research, making it more valuable.
2. WooCommerce
WooCommerce is the single most popular e-commerce technology solution on the market, designed to make it easy to start an online store, and its blog aims to support that.
For those who read this entire piece, here is a hack for you to help you in targeting and retargeting ads by building audience using facebook pixel & google analytics:
Use Linkly to track real time how far your content has reached and how many people have consumed your content. More over, add this to your analytics to get accurate information and target and retarget your promotions and campaigns.