The need for influencer marketing

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The need for influencer marketing

The trend of influencer marketing is catching on really fast. People love to purchase a product/service from a referral more than an unknown first time buy. This human psychology has given an opportunity for many individuals who have become celebrities in their own right, validating the product/service and recommending them on various digital platforms, influencing people to buy the product/service.

While its a major brand building exercise for the individual known as the influencer, it is a major boost to the brand product/service as it is an innovative and creative method of reaching out to the target audience.

Influencer marketing is a highly effective tool for startups to grow their brands and is far more cost effective than the traditional forms of marketing.

Here are some reasons why startups should adopt influencer marketing:

Influencer marketing is easy-to-implement

  • Customers want something different – they have become immune to traditional marketing channels
  • Influencer marketing is less expensive than other promotional strategies
  • Word-of-mouth aspect of influencer marketing builds trust for your brand
  • Customers will engage with your brand because of the authenticity of influencers
  • Influencers are available depending on your budget, unlike traditional forms which have a fixed cost and limited platforms – select from macro to micro influencers depending on brand, product/service, target audience, influencer followers etc.

You may want to engage a specialized digital agency to coordinate with the influencers and drive customised and effective campaign for your brand.